Addressing the lies spread by the following individuals

and co-conspirators

Jay Von Spreck, Allan Clinton Poe, Molly Heckard, John Harold Fulks, Jason Marinaro, Paula Sullivan, Sheilla Rae Van Dusseldorp, Victoria DeMasi, Clova Dayton Westfall III, Ish Ortega and Christine Millhouse Westfall “hereinafter” “Respondents”.


The Trustees for the Temple of YHWH have convened on this 3rd day of October in the 2022nd year of the new covenant in Yahushuas name and the 198th day in the Year of Yahweh.


The Trustees for the Temple of YHWH “hereinafter” “Trustees” convened to address false claims coming from “Respondents” conspiring to label the reign of the heavens society Temple as some sort of cult, owned by Keith Edward Livingway, Jennifer Lyn Ryalls is pronouncing people dead claiming their estates, hold some sort of King and Queen and King dictatorship and that ALL of the reign of the heavens citizens are satan worshippers and demon possessed.


The reign of the heavens society Temple hold the Truth that Yahushua/Jesus is the Anointed King and holds full title to all the inhabitants on earth and everything on it by the desire of Yahweh/God, MATTHEW 28:18 and Yahushua/Jesus said “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth”. The “Trustees” object to any and all claims that any man or women owns anything that belongs to Yahushua/Jesus or is sitting on His throne. The “Trustees” recognize that such a trespass on Yahushua’s/Jesus’s claim and property is denial of the Truth. Furthermore, The “Trustees” acknowledge every individual has their own personal relationship with Yahushua/Jesus and the “Trustees” are not in charge of nor dictate that personal relationship nor take ownership or possession of any of their property.


The “Trustees” object to the claim that was made regarding Keith Edward Livingway owning the reign of the heavens and the reign of the heavens society Temple. The reign of the heavens is owned by Yahushua/Jesus and the Society is managed by the Trustees again owned by Yahushua/Jesus. The “Trustees” object to the claim made that Keith Edward Livingway is signing  the reign of the heavens citizen certificates and thereby taking ownership of the person who is becoming a citizen. The “Trustees” stand as witnesses that Keith Edward Livingway is simply a trustee for the Fraternal order of the reign of the heavens society Temple, and signs as a second witness to the acceptance of citizenship into the reign of the heavens country. Furthermore, the “Trustees” are also witnesses to the fact that Keith Edward Livingway does NOT own any person nor does he claim any property or estate of any reign of the heavens citizens.



The “Trustees” object to the claims made regarding Jennifer Lyn Ryalls pronouncing people dead in order to claim their estates. The “Trustees” stand as witness that Jennifer Lyn Ryalls has not claimed anyone’s estate nor pronounced anyone dead.


The “Trustees” have convened a meeting and objected to the claims described above have adjourned on this on this 3rd day of October in the 2022nd year of the new covenant in Yahushuas name and the 198th day in the Year of Yahweh.


Trustees for the Temple of YHWH




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