In order to qualify for a Ministers Permit, you MUST complete the following:

  1. Be a reign Citizen
  2. Actively attend Temple
  3. Have a signed and Published
    • Declaration of Faith
    • Acceptance and Acknowledgment of the Obligations of Agape Love
    • Renouncing Lucifer and ALL of his Kingdoms of the World
    • Accept or Deny and Denounce the Baal Peor covenant
    • Proclamation of Innocence declaration
    • Religious or Conscientious Objection

In order to qualify for a reign citizen id, you MUST complete the following:

  1. Be a reign Citizen
  2. Have a signed and Published
    • Declaration of Faith
    • Acceptance and Acknowledgment of the Obligations of Agape Love
    • Renouncing Lucifer and ALL of his Kingdoms of the World
    • Accept or Deny and Denounce the Baal Peor covenant
    • Proclamation of Innocence declaration
    • Religious or Conscientious Objection

Cost for Ministers Permit  and  reign citizen id

  • 50 CDLB sent to reign of the heavens temple society at the Continental Public Bank
  •  $25  worth in XLM to the stellar wallet address GC7R7ZR74UF2W6TQ7EY42UIH64VK7DXLFVZPNXBFU5FRTOTAGKZLZ572
  • $25 worth in XLM to the stellar wallet address GAU65BA634IQHZRLQCWKZHBHVFPFDH6VXIJKLFUH7WMOAOB3CWMVHPDQ
  • Price includes shipping